
Finally free!

I lived most of my life in prison.

Not a prison with bars and guards, but rather imprisoned within my own mind. There was just something blocking me from the freedom of an unencumbered life.


I vividly remember the morning of August 2, 2010, staring into the mirror after another long weekend of revelry and escape. Those sad and fearful eyes belonged to a man now long gone, still the eyes of a child really, someone who had almost given up too many times to count, someone who had just lost a whole decade to the dark depths of a crippling depression and corrosive substance abuse.


In that moment, however, despite the burdens of self-loathing and despair, a long-lost spark was somehow reignited, and a promise was made to keep trying.


What followed was a dogged, nearly decade long search for meaning. The journey began with sobriety and exercise, fueled further by incessant research on the mind, body and soul. I eventually found and developed a relationship with meditation, yoga and various other esoteric ideas and ways of thinking. My life situation was slowly and steadily improving but somehow, I still couldn’t break free. I wondered if I ever would.


In July of 2018, I attended the Mind Valley University conference in Tallinn, Estonia. One of the workshops was run by Marisa Peer, a well-known hypnosis therapist and founder of the RTT method. She led the room on a guided hypnosis exercise which was startlingly impactful. I felt this experience and technique might somehow be useful, then several months later decided to investigate whether someone was practicing this technique in Zurich. Thankfully, I found Astuti and scheduled an appointment with her on April 9, 2019.


I am writing this just six weeks later, May 21, 2019.

I cannot begin to describe the impact our session has had on my life. I tried so many things before, and although I am certain those efforts contributed to the triumphant success of the hypnosis therapy, the breakthrough that occurred was truly remarkable.

Astuti expertly and compassionately guided me through all the difficult emotions trapped deep inside that had been clogging up my operating system after so many years of confusion, sadness and struggle. Facing and embracing the pain allowed me to develop a new relationship with these emotions, and to construct a healthier and more accepting internal narrative. This new narrative is based on understanding and love, a brilliant change from the anger and fear of the past.


The changes are astonishing.

My energy is intense and pristine, physical weight is falling off and I am so much more present. I was always an empathetic and kind person, buy my sincerity is now palpable and I am constantly noticing ways to be of service to others. Whether someone needs a smile, a simple helping hand or significant offer of support, I sense an innate duty to share love and kindness wherever and however possible.


My life now has a foundation of gratitude and appreciation.

The anxiety, stress and self-concern have gone away, and I can now look at even the most difficult periods in my past with more peace because the journey ended up here.

I have no regrets, and now see life as a giant karmic jigsaw puzzle where each piece, however painful, was and is a necessary part of the whole. I am no longer so obsessed with my own deficiencies and struggles, and when I look outward, I see a wide-open mosaic of awareness and love.

As I reflect on all the people who were there for me along the way I am overwhelmed at the kindness in this world. I can no longer relate to how I viewed life on April 8, 2019. It’s as if Astuti helped me wipe the slate clean, and at 39 years old I just started all over again.


The most important lesson of all is to never give up. If I had, I would have never met Astuti, never tasted this new reality. There are many ways to heal, hypnosis therapy being just one of them. But whatever you decide to try, you must commit to it.

Commit to being one with love in this world and it can happen for you too. And if you truly commit, you will one day run into someone like Astuti who can help you break on through to the other side.


I’d like to share a quote from Terrence McKenna which has been inspirational for me these last years:

“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it’s a feather bed.”


Adam Pierce

Zurich, Switzerland

Uplift! A journey from burnout to inner peace

“Whatever you choose to do in life,

make sure that you’re also doing it to help others”.


I was 16 when my late father said this to me. With such an intense gaze, he said these words.


I heard him, loud and clear. I remember it like it was yesterday. He didn’t have to say it often. I experienced him being consistent with this all throughout his life – dedicating his life to science to improve lives. He also followed his passion to develop young scientists in any way that he could.
His words have been staying in and with me since.
I experienced a burn out at the end of 2008. Not many people knew in-depth the ins and outs of it – what happened to me; what impact it had on my life; and how I came out from it. Only a handful of people; after I managed to move forward from its worst point.
This experience changed everything in my life, progressively. If my life then was a house, that house collapsed to the ground.
Since then, I’ve been rebuilding my “new house”, one layer at a time, and one area at a time. Carefully, with a lot of support.
It has been a journey filled with realisations, decisions, and forgiveness.
When the opportunity to write and share my story showed up in February this year through “Ignite Your life for Women” book, I jumped in full heartedly.


The book consists of real life stories about how 35 women moved forward after facing life crises, such as grave illnesses, divorces, separation, death, burnout, financial ruins, grieve, career dip, fear of aging etc when one has to start over from the ground up.

“It’s time”, I said to myself. I felt called and ready to share my story about the burnout.
I had only one intention: to offer what I’ve learnt about how to rise from the ashes, like a phoenix, and start to thrive again in a different way. It was about bringing my learnings to be of use for others.
What excited me more was that the proceeds from this book’s sale are going into charities that empower women. Perfect!




“Papa, this is for you”.

I closed my eyes, sent my prayer and pressed “send”. My application email to be one of the authors in this book made its way. The rest was history.


Burn out, like divorce, death, illnesses, etc. are one of the mini-deaths that can happen to anyone. Overwhelming and lonely often describe the emotions that come with it.  That was also how I felt.

Not anymore now. It doesn’t need to be.

Get this book (through this link, you can download it in kindle for free until May 20th 2019), read my story “Uplift! A journey from burnout to inner peace”, read other stories that call you in this book, and let these reflections accompany your journey. Write a review, share your thoughts on what you feel about it. Afterwards, share this book with others. Regardless of the title, the content in this book is helpful for all.

No, you’re not alone. You don’t have to be. And YES, you can rise.


In loving memory of my beloved Dad, Dr. Suwarto Martosudirjo, the man who showed me how to be a loving support for others.


Love and light,

What are your words?

When I did my career change and lifestyle overhaul starting in 2016, I asked myself what MY WORDS were then.


In a number of meditations, 3 words came to my awareness: Inner peace – Truth – Visible.


I integrated them into my daily intention and in no time, I started peeling off fears and limiting beliefs, one layer at a time.

It’s still going, as there seems to always be the next level. It becomes more and more subtle yet it’s there.

I’ve come to terms with the truth that I’ll always peel off the next layer.


This delayering Self of fear, doubt, anything that are not truthful that still play out in my system brings visible impact that not only I experience, but seems to benefit others too.

I show up more for myself, my family, my friends and my Clients.

Abundance flows in and out of me and I feel more peaceful being in and with it.


Life is a journey, as it is a healing journey to return to truth and inner peace within.


Pausing once in a while to breathe and reflect, I thought I write this here and now.

Let me ask you – What’s your word? How does it impact you everyday?


Wishing you all the beauties that life offers wherever you are 💜💜💜

Love and light,





Uplift My Life Today Podcast – Episode 4 – Are you an Achievement Addict?

“Sometimes what makes us insecure and vulnerable becomes the fuel we need to be overachievers. The antidote for a snakebite is made from the poison, and the thing that made you go backward is the same force that will push you forward.” – T.D Jakes



(You can also listen to this podcast from iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Breaker, Pocket Casts, and RadioPublic)


We tend to show up in our lives in 3 different ways:

  • As a Procrastinator
  • As an Achievement Addict
  • And as an Uplifted Go-Getter

Really? You may wonder.


Check out these infographics. Download them if you like.

#upliftmylifetoday #iamenough


#iamenough #upliftmylifetoday


In this episode, I am going deeper into what makes one an Achievement Addict, another an Uplifted Go-getter, and how to transform yourself from an Achievement Addict to become an Uplifted Go-getter.




Time Code:

00:00   – Opening

04:00 – Who are Achievement Addicts

06:49 – Tendencies of an Achievement Addict

22:00 – What constitutes Achievement Addicts and Uplifted Go-Getters

27:45 – Keys to transform from Achievement Addicts to Uplifted Go-Getters

34:30 – How to transform yourself

36:41 – One ultimate recommendation for you

37:15 – Closing


Inputs, questions, feedback or suggestion for topics – write me at Thanks!

Interested in speaking with me about beliefs upgrading and reprogramming directly, set it up here.


Copyrights etc.:

Music used in this Episode: “On My Way” by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Cover photo: WordSwag

Watch out!

Watch out for what you tell yourself. 
Choose carefully the kind of message you tell yourself.


#iamenough #upliftmylifetoday


You’re the closest person to your subconscious mind, one that listens to you without fail.
It is your most powerful and loyal ally and it trusts you 100 percent. Whatever you say to it repetitively over a period of time becomes its truth. Its truth becomes your reality.


Catch yourself and choose wisely what to say over and over again to your subconscious mind. Repetitive thoughts are beliefs.

And, remember, beliefs are the seeds of life. They grow to become gardens.
Plant uplifting beliefs for your life’s garden, blossoming with inner peace, contentment and a sense of purpose.


Move away from being a Procrastinator or an Achievement Addicts and choose to show up as an Uplifted Go-Getter.

Your journey to unleash your potential and to deliver the kind of impact that you want is meant to be as joyful as achieving your goals.


So, here is an invitation for you:
Find me at
* When you are ready to shift your limiting beliefs into uplifting ones;
* When you are ready to answer the calling to be an Uplifted Go-Getter



What Procrastinators and Achievement Addicts have in common

What do Procrastinators and Achievement Addicts have in common?


#upliftmylifetoday #iamenough


They’re not consistently feeling energized or present or confident as they show up in their lives: being who they are and doing what they’re doing. Instead, often they feel overwhelmed; many times scattered and uptight.

They feel somehow “constipated” in their efforts to unleash the potential they know they have within.

In different areas of their lives, one can be a procrastinator or an achievement addict.

Their behaviours are driven by the belief that “they are not enough as they are.” Enough for what? Enough to be accepted, acknowledged, and loved.

Does this speak to you?

If there is only one thing you can do to change this is to TRANSFORM your BELIEFS. As you do so, your subconscious mind works for what you desire, not against it.

Beliefs are the seeds of life. They grow to become gardens. Plant uplifting beliefs for your life’s garden, blossoming with inner peace, contentment, and a sense of purpose.



Finding courage to leave my job and start afresh

I worked with Astuti to overcome the feeling of being stuck in life, especially in my job. I didn’t like my job, but I needed the money. My work motivation has been declining since the beginning of 2017. The feeling of being in a rut became stronger over time.

After being coached and had hypnotherapy session, I felt lighter. I was toying with the idea of leaving my job and going back to my home country to be nearer with my family, and naturally, this idea made me scared. The sessions with Astuti helped me in understanding what I really need in my life, and why sometimes I have fears when I want to achieve something. She helped me dealing with my fears in a peaceful manner. After the sessions, I felt reaffirmed and stronger. Astuti helped me formulate constructive thoughts and build a plan for my future.

What main take away for me from the journey is that I should never hesitate to seek help and guidance from God. It didn’t feel much at the beginning, but after a few months – and it coincided with the holy month of Ramadhan – I started reading the Qur’an more often and started to listen to religious lessons from Islamic scholars. Then the pieces seem to slowly fall into place. My transformation started happening. I also felt courageous to make the decision to resign from my job. I could now focus on what I would be gaining by doing the right thing for me.

As a therapist, Astuti was very structured and a good listener. She gave guidance on how to approach different obstacles, and made the sessions feel comfortable, safe and relaxed.

I advice that more people get life coaching and/or hypnotherapy. It can really help in deconstructing stubborn thoughts that may be an obstacle for someone to achieve their goals.

Hypnotherapy is useful you have been having a recurring problem in, to gain understanding why the problem keeps recurring, and to solve it once and for all. This may not be achieved in a single hypnotherapy session.

With consistent support from the therapist, transformation happens!

FK Sari, Finance Manager


Choice leads to destiny

Entering winter, a period of reflection and rejuvenation…


What choices have you made so far in 2018?

How far have you grown? 

How have you contributed?

What fulfills you?


What do you desire to invite more into your life in the next cycle, in 2019?

What do you wish to let go of?


Imagine it, feel it, taste it. Repeat. Repeat.


All of it starts with taking action, one at a time.

It is all about your choice.


Cover photo: WordSwag

Declutter Your Life Series – Episode 3 “Beliefs decluttering to ease change”

“Change your thoughts and you change your world” – Norman Vincent Peale

Nothing is truer than this.

(You can also listen to this podcast from Spotify, Google Podcasts, Breaker, Pocket Casts, and RadioPublic)

I first “heard” it, my calling, in 2005.

“I wish to facilitate a process for others to have breakthroughs in their lives so they can love themselves more. This helps people who want to make a difference”.

It was so loud that I started to do some research on what I can learn to do this.

As I did my research, there was another loud voice saying in my mind “You’re too young. You know nothing about life yet. What help can you give people? This is too early for you”.
This niggling voice was as loud as the calling.

It felt like there were 2 people in my heart speaking to me.

After a period of contemplation, I succumbed to the niggling voice. I stopped the process. I delayed starting the process, consciously, to be precise. All info I gathered went into archive.

Only 10 years later, in 2015, I stepped up and showed up to myself by saying yes to this calling. Life shifted afterwards. In every way imaginable.
And, so much steep growth happened in my life between 2005 to 2015, no joke!

In hindsight, I learnt 2 things:
1. Our calling has always been there, so loyal, so loud and so persistent. It is us that are not always willing nor feeling able to listen to it, let alone do something about it.

2. Upon answering this call (of when you want to answer this call), decluttering and reprogramming beliefs is key to ease the process.

What is decluttering beliefs and how to do that?

In this 3rd episode of “Declutter Your Life” Podcast Series, I am sharing why it is of paramount importance for you to declutter your beliefs when you’re on your journey manifesting what you truly want. Free of feeling overwhelmed.

This episode is loaded with information and practical tips that you may want to listen to it multiple times.


Time Code:

00:00 – Opening

02:30 – Belief – what it is, when and how it is formed in our life

08:35 – Subconscious mind – what it is and how it works

12:01 – Conscious mind – what it is and how it works

13:05 – The importance to align both conscious and subconscious mind to achieve your goal

16:39 – How beliefs are formed

26:04 – Decluttering beliefs – step 1 – find an emotional trigger and clarify the meaning you give to it

39:40 – Decluttering beliefs – step 2 – identify limiting beliefs you currently hold and decide what uplifting beliefs to replace them

40:20 – Decluttering beliefs – step 3 – ways to replace the limiting beliefs with the uplifting ones

46:14 – Closing


Inputs, questions, feedback or suggestion for topics – write me at Thanks!

Interested in speaking with me about beliefs upgrading and reprogramming directly, set it up here.


Copyrights etc.:

Music used in this Episode: “On My Way” and “Destiny Day” by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Cover photo: WordSwag


Declutter Your Life Series – Episode 2 “Love it, pick it, use it!”

Do I need all these?

This question is one of some constant companions for me when I decluttered 2 living spaces in 2 countries over 14 months period.

In this 2nd episode of “Declutter Your Life” Series, I am sharing my 5 steps to successfully declutter my possessions, feeling victorious, light and calm at the end of it.

This episode is loaded with practical tips that you may want to listen to it multiple times.


Time Code:

00:00 – Opening

02:05 – Virtual trips to a thrift shop and a spa – what does your body tell you?

11:17 – How your mind interacts with your environment and how impacts you

13:44 – What is decluttering?

14:29 – My decluttering journeys: the context, the scope and the goals

18:38 – Step 1: Setting a clear intention for the decluttering – what you will use the space for and what atmosphere/energy/ambiance you’d like to invoke in the space

21:34 – Step 2: Planning the scope, timeline, responsibility allocation, support required, how to organise post-choosing items.

27:45 – Step 3: Throw away items that obviously needed to be thrown away. Quick win!

28:40 – Step 4: Selection process – choose which items you want to keep

31:09 – Step 5: Reorganise the items you choose to keep

31:44 – Emotional challenges during decluttering and 6 tips to overcome them

35:46 – Evolving our space to match our own evolution process is mandatory!

37:13 – Closing and what the next episode about


Inputs, questions, feedback or suggestion for topics – write me at Thanks!

Interested in speaking with me about decluttering process directly, set it up here.


Copyrights etc.:

Music used in this Episode: “On My Way” and “Destiny Day” by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Cover photo: WordSwag