
How has your life well lived?



Last night, I got the news that a friend had passed away.

Such news always reminds me that nothing is promised, especially time.


As I prayed for her soul’s journey home, I sat with immense gratitude for the time I have had and still have. I also looked back into my life’s timeline. 


After some time, I concluded – my life is well lived. 


I just have not appreciated it enough – there is still an imbalanced appreciation and gratitude for my journey compared to the achievements.  


I promise myself to be better – to appreciate the journey more, way more than I do to date. 

This way, I can appreciate the miracles that continuously unfold. I could see in hindsight that my life has been nothing short of miraculous and divinely guided.


I am sure yours is too.


Let’s acknowledge and celebrate it 🌷💖


With love,


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A message from Love: Choose me. Again and again.



To love is to choose love, again and again.


There will be a time when it feels impossible to do that. 

It’s just that – a feeling, an energy that will move through. It is temporary, unless you make it otherwise.

When that happens, get out of your head and stop feeding and repeating the ongoing story in your mind.

Instead, move your attention elsewhere that brings up uplifting emotions, and be there. Stay there. 


Listen to your happy song list. Sing your heart out. Play in the rain with your children. Go through your photo album for heart-warming memories. Tap yourself while breathing deeper while repeating positive affirmations. Sketch, draw, or paint. Cook your favourite dish. 

Do activities to increase dopamine in your brain – whatever floats your boat.


When you feel the need – get support – from a mentor, a counsellor, a therapist, a coach, a healer – whichever fits your needs.


To love is to choose love, in a big or small way. Regularly.

Wishing you a great week of loving choices 💖💖💖

With love,


#restart #love #authenticlife #startover #love #upliftmylifetoday #intentionallife #resilience #mentalhealth #inspiration #transformation #podcast #purpose #peace #iamthepeace #wearethepeace #innerpeace


A message from Love: Courage and I are life partner




What do you say no to when you say yes to love?

Love has an expansive quality – some say love empowers. For some, it is uplifting. You may have other words that you resonate with.

It takes courage to say no to something that we have been identifying our worth and life with that turns out to be dissonant to love.

It takes courage to take time out for a minute and honestly answer – has my life been about defeating fear, or has it been about experiencing deeper love?

No, they are not the same and yes, most of us often get this mixed up.

It takes courage to make peace with the past, forgive oneself and others and commit to love right now.

Love invites us to take a leap of faith, and courage is its most reliable companion.

I wish you the courage to live in love. 

With love,


#restart #love #authenticlife #startover #love #upliftmylifetoday #intentionallife #resilience #mentalhealth #inspiration #transformation #podcast #purpose #peace #iamthepeace #wearethepeace #innerpeace


A message from Love: Fear me not




We usually wish for something we perceive we don‘t have enough of or at all.

Very often, we may not (yet) feel fully familiar or comfortable with what we wish for.

Freedom, love, peace, and happiness are just the same on the top wish list of most of us. Yet, we may not know what it means to embody freedom, love, happiness or peace. 

It certainly would feel different from where we are today. The difference can feel scary and overwhelming.

When that happens to you, just take a deep breath and slow down for some time. Give yourself time, energy, and dedication to adapt and embody what arrives. 

Embodiment requires exploration, observation, time, consistency, excitement, letting go and forgiveness.

Fear me not, Love says 💜

Fear me not.

With love,


#restart #love #authenticlife #startover #love #upliftmylifetoday #intentionallife #resilience #mentalhealth #inspiration #transformation #podcast #purpose #peace #iamthepeace #wearethepeace #innerpeace


A message from Love: Let me in




A beautiful message for us all 💖

Have a wonderful week ahead, filled with love 🤗

With love,


#restart #love #authenticlife #startover #love #upliftmylifetoday #intentionallife #resilience #mentalhealth #inspiration #transformation #podcast #purpose #peace #iamthepeace #wearethepeace #innerpeace


What I learned about healing and human heart from young refugees



“No one has ever become poor by giving”

– Anne Frank




Since I was a little girl, I have been having a habit of refusing to accept a situation that is, in my perception, unfair or unjust. My parents recognized this since I was very young.


They both could laugh about it when they reflected on it in my 20s. They certainly weren’t laughing when I acted my impulses in my younger days.


They described me as relentless, stubborn, brave and often creative in coming up with ideas on what to do when I had a fixed goal in mind, even when they disapproved of it. They also told me that I would quietly do what I thought I needed to and not fuss about it along the process—too focused, at times, that I did not see anything else apart from the goal.


I am grateful to hear these reflections, as I am challenging myself to do something different today. This is why I am writing to you now, as I need your support.


Yes, I am asking for your help. Please read on.


In March this year, I embarked, together with a group of other facilitators and mentors, on what I considered the most important project I’ve ever done: Refugee Mentorship Program (RMP) which is co-led by Akino Tahir.


This fourteen-week program is put in place to support young refugees (18-24 years old) who are now located in Indonesia to:

  • Develop a personal resilience mindset and skills;
  • Improve interpersonal skills through exposure to Indonesian culture and language;
  • Develop their ability to learn independently by introducing a structured learning process through basic research literacy.


In a nutshell, we would love to support these young life warriors to develop the most fundamental mindset, skills, expertise and network to rebuild their lives in such a difficult period.


Most of them left their country of origin unaccompanied – they moved without any of their families – in their early teens.


In this program, I supported these courageous souls to process and healed their traumas and reprogram their subconscious minds with beliefs and programs that would help them move forward in their life with more resilience, ease and hope.


This whole process was so intense for everyone involved and impacted them and me on such a deep level – the soul level. We met weekly for 14 weeks, and we all transformed throughout this journey.


I am not the same person I was at the beginning of this year.

Through this journey, I learned so much about healing, the human heart, and what matters more to me now during this period of my life.


With the help of Julie Grauel, one of my best friends and partner in turning reflection into stories, I finally started to verbally digest this journey into this new podcast episode (video and audio).

In it, I reflected on what I learned, realized and needed now. I also decided to ask for your help. What I want to continue actualizing in the future requires more heads and hearts than mine and the current people involved in this program.


Thank you for taking the time to listen and to let me know your ideas when you have them. Please write to me here: If you would like to support/donate to the Refugee Mentorship Program, you can do it here. Thank you.

The goal that I have in mind is so much bigger than what I can do alone.

To honour my late parents’ advice, I am now choosing to share this goal and ask for help and support from those who resonate with it.


I am grateful for your attention, and I look forward to hearing from you.

With love,


Let me know what you think about this episode via

Copyrights etc.: Music used in this episode: “On My Way” by Kevin MacLeod ( 

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License 


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Facing death to come back home to an authentic life



If you would behold the spirit of death, open your heart wide unto the body of life.

For life and death are one, even as the river and sea are one

– Khalil Gibran.




I’ve been learning to read tarot cards this year. It’s my attempt to gain deeper insights from my subconscious and unconscious minds using my intuition about what my soul wants to tell me about the current stage in my path. In a tarot deck, there is a card called “Death”. As you see here – for all ends, there is a new beginning.

As abrupt and intense as the end may be, there is always a new beginning for something else deeper, better, bigger, further.

The death (of someone or something that you value and love) often, if not always, is an acceleration towards something that is meant to be, despite it always brings with it pains and.


This “The Honest Hour” video podcast episode is all about that.

When you prefer to listen instead of watching, do it through here.


Tatjana Radovanovic lost her son in a tragic accident in 2017 when he was blossoming to be an adult.

In her conversation with Julie and I, Tatjana shared what happened, how she coped with the grief, and how this experience impacted her so profoundly that it changed the course of her life since. She beautifully shared her journey in crossing the bridge between death and authentic life – a life where she bridges the worlds of the dead and alive for grief healing purposes.


May you find inspiration and strength in your journey as you listen to Tatjana’s story.

With love,


Let me know what you think about this episode via

Copyrights etc.: Music used in this episode: “On My Way” by Kevin MacLeod ( 

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License 


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How old is too old to restart your life?




I am one of those people who genuinely believe that everyone is meant to reinvent themselves multiple times during a lifetime. Some do this through work, some in personal lives, and some in both.


What I believe to be true is that everyone has their unique path along with their timeline.


Human is cut for this type of re-invention. Our mind is vast, and our brain’s neuroplasticity immensely helps us to do so, especially when we keep our physical and emotional health well.


I am no exception. I’ve re-invented myself multiple times.


One of them is when I became the captain of my career vessel when I was 38 years old. I decided to become self-employed despite a clear and promising corporate career path available for me then. The calling to take a leap of faith was very strong.


I started in a field that I knew very well (Executive Recruitment and Human Resources) for almost two decades before jumping ship into a different direction and field altogether (to become Subconscious Mind Reprogrammer and Life Coach) when I was nearly 42 years old. There was an overlap period for about one year before I started full time in my current tenure in 2016.


Ilana Jankowitz started her current career when she turned 50 years old. Every day is a learning day for her, yet a lot of expertise and wisdom that she’s gathered for decades working in a different sector proves to be useful for her in building her business.

In this upcoming podcast episode, I sit down together with Ilana Jankowitz. Together, we reflect on our respective journeys in changing our careers to the ones we individually are on now. We both are following our callings. The trips were intense, yet both of us would not like to be anywhere else other than where we were. 


Ilana JankowitzIlana is a Switzerland-based Money Mindset Coach who works with Female executives and business owners who wish to have healthier money beliefs so they can grow as women and as professionals successfully.

Join us (and remember to subscribe, so you get a notification when a new episode is published!) on my Youtube channel (yes, I am doing a video interview now) or my Podcast channel.

Share this with someone who you feel may find this helpful, please. Thank you.

Oh, one more thing – speak more to me, please – let me know if you have a suggestion on a topic that you’d like me to bring into the podcast. Thank you!

Enjoy this episode 🙂

With love,


Let me know what you think about this episode via


Copyrights etc.: Music used in this episode: “On My Way” by Kevin MacLeod ( 

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License 


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Live Q&A – Becoming The One to find The One – Starting again after divorce




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Following the release of “The Honest Hour – Becoming The One to find The One after divorce” episode with Kelly Braendli, this is the recording of the Live Q&A session.

Questions covered are:

“How can I detect my partner’s silent dissatisfaction in our marriage before we hit the wall?”

“What can help me to catch myself being silently dissatisfied when life moves so fast and busy?”

“How can I find out whether someone is truly compatible with me?”

“Since the divorce, I don’t know if I can trust myself to choose the right person for me. What to do now?”


Share with us your feedback and further questions.


Kelly Brandli is a Dating and Relationship Coach.

You can join her Facebook Group – How to date after divorce and create an extraordinary relationship at and connect with her at


Astuti Martosudirdjo is a Subconscious Mind Reprogrammer and Life Coach.

When you need support in healing your heart wounds and reprogram your subconscious beliefs about yourself and your relationship, contact me via or book a discovery session here:

Follow me on:





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Become The One to find The One after divorce


The Honest Hour –

Become The One to find The One after divorce


Coming back to the heart… sounds so cliché. This phrase is often thrown around in many Hallmark cards or personal development quotes.


It took me a while to understand what it means, and I am still on the journey to embody this deeper in my own life.


Now, I can’t deny how true this phrase is, and through my own experience and the transformation journeys of all my clients, healing the heart is the main gateway to a much more fulfilling life and often beyond what you can imagine when you start the journey.


This is what I love about bringing out “The Honest Hour” stories. The experiences of the Life Warriors who are sharing their journey are a powerful reminder of what the human spirit is capable of, and all of them went back to their hearts as they started their journeys.


Today, our guest is Kelly Brändli, who has been through one of life’s most challenging experiences, namely going through a divorce that lasted nearly as long as her marriage.


Her divorce dragged out over 8 years, resulting in numerous court battles discussions over custody and all of this had a significant impact on her finances and health.


Today, Kelly has survived her divorce and the aftermath that brought and is thriving, having created an amazing love story that not only inspires but gives great hope to those who are looking to move on after a divorce and find love again.


Kelly has been able to rebuild her own life, but she has gone on to support hundreds of divorced singles to do the same as a Dating and Relationship Coach (join her community here).


Join Julie and me in listening to her uplifting journey. Join us on my Youtube channel (yes, I am doing a video interview now) or my Podcast channel.

Share this with someone who you feel may find this helpful, please. Thank you.


With love,




p.s. I started to have an Instagram Live Chat to share and answer any questions about crossing from success to fulfilment. Follow me on Instagram here so you won’t miss the next time I’m coming live there. It would be lovely to chat with you directly there!

Let me know what you think about this episode via

To get in touch with me:


Copyrights etc.: Music used in this episode: “On My Way” by Kevin MacLeod (

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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