The deep dive journeys in becoming a heart-centered leader
I signed up for Astuti’s Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) in late 2019 upon a friend’s recommendation after inquiring for inner child therapy that I was immediately looking for.
At that time I just finished a leadership retreat that was using ancient and modern modalities to enable a more heart-centred leadership. During this retreat, I discovered my own fears, limiting beliefs, and past traumas that hindered my full blossoming as a heart-centered person/leader.
I subsequently excavated deep into my soul for what was wounding me and inhibiting me from living my full potential. It was apparently rooted in some childhood moments and experiences, which required hypnosis to address and heal them. I felt called to immediately do hypnosis because I had learned that it was one of the only ways to recondition the subconscious mind and access the inner child.
Our RTT session was a little bit pleasantly surprising as I had some qualms about hypnosis with regards to it being notoriously misused for manipulation. Her RTT session proved it otherwise and I journeyed deep into my childhood and addressed many wounds and re-parented my inner child to inculcate him with more uplifting beliefs. I felt relieved and viscerally liberated during and right after the session.
The follow-up treatment of RTT to recondition my subconscious mind was the real gem, however.
For 21 days, I was immersed in a content that was so loving, generous, kind, and transformative to my mind’s operating system; something that I realized was quite fundamental in readying my brain to shape shift my current subconscious mind.
I can almost guarantee whatever she did with her therapy was partially responsible for the current benefits of equanimity, calmness, and inner peace that I can proudly and gradually reap from on a daily basis right now. Of course, I have had to do ongoing continuous inner work myself. But her offerings built the skeleton for that inner work.
I later benefitted from Astuti’s Body Code sessions, which significantly altered my preconception of what emotions are and my perception of how emotions and epigenetics could do to our current state of being.
Her generosity in healing and guiding me, through excavating my past emotional baggage, be it intentional or inherited, was very helpful in resetting my kinks to fully live an uplifted life.
Astuti’s compassionate, friendly, and heart-centred approach towards therapy and coaching is a treasured novelty in my life and my journey with personal development.
I highly recommend for anyone who seeks to live a more fulfilling life, beaming with activated potentials, to seriously consider what Astuti can enable you to become. Trust her and she will do some magic to your subconscious mind!
Barcelona, Spain